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Special Offers

Our current special offers and promotions

Here you will find details of all current special offers and promotions both in store and online. Make sure that you sign up to our newsletter to be the first to be informed of any upcoming offers, events and product launches. Alternatively, bookmark this page and check it for regular updates. Each offer stands alone and cannot be combined with any other offer or discount unless otherwise stated. Our standard terms and conditions apply.

Contact us for more information on any of these offers or to discuss your requirements. Call us in store on 020 7557 7557, or email [email protected].

Free Delivery over £1,000

For a limited time, we are offering free delivery on orders totaling over £1,000 in value to MAINLAND UK addresses.

Free delivery is not available for any clearance items or other heavily discounted offers, nor for complex installations such as wardrobes, storage and beds. Contact the store for more information.

Store only - free delivery is NOT applicable to Trade orders.